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QA Engineer
Recently graduated student.
I am Malith Deshan. I am Town And Country Planning Undergraduate from University of Moratuwa.
Business Analyst/ Executive/ Innovation Manager
I am a 2nd year undergraduate in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship degree program at APIIT.
Back-End developer / ML Developer
am a highly self-motivated computer science undergraduate with the abilityto proficiently plan, develop, and evaluate software products. I bringunwavering enthusiasm for programming and data science to every projectand am deeply dedicated to delivering exceptional results.I have completed projects mostly using Java and SQL. For a year-long project, I worked on BackEnd and used Node.js and MongoDB. I have an interest on BackEnd development and Machine Learning.
Software Developer
I am Sahasawri Senanayaka, following a 4-year Computer Engineering degree program from the engineering faculty at the University of Ruhuna. I have completed 3.5 years of my studies and am seeking a 6-month full-time internship as a Software Engineer.
Showing 1 to 10 of 44 results